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Sponge Analytics

A data platform that pairs with our solutions to reveal deep insights into impact & learner behaviour.

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Home / About Sponge

About Sponge.

Sponge is a world-renowned digital learning provider on a mission to make learning unforgettable. Our category-defining approach is revolutionising learning development at some of the world’s most recognisable global brands. And, with almost 20 years’ worth of awards and accolades brightening our shelves, the results speak for themselves.

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Why we’re 
one of a kind.

So, what do you get with Sponge that you can’t get anywhere else? Blending deep substance with real style, Sponge is the full-service learning provider that puts the learner's experience first. Our solutions foreground outstanding content, but you also get the full technology wrap required to deploy, manage, and measure your learning on a global enterprise scale.

we offer.

We partner with global learning leaders to shape their long-term learning strategy, from initial engagement around solving a problem, through to embedding learning cultures and systems across multinational organisations. From expert learning strategy, through to our award-winning content, flexible platforms and advanced analytics, Sponge has the skill and experience to transform the culture of learning inside global business, leaving nothing to chance.

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As a leader in digital learning, we’re also striving to pave the way as a responsible business. We’re working with Sustainable Advantage to understand the effects of our environmental, social and governance practices and are committed to ethical behaviour, positive social and environmental impact and the development of sustainable services. We’ve chosen four of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, designed to create peace and prosperity, to help us act as a force for good.

Good health.

Making sure our team can work in safety with access to health services.

Quality education.

Investing in learning opportunities that will increase the talent pool at Sponge and at our partners.

Good jobs.

Promoting full and productive employment for everyone, contributing to a skilled workforce.

Climate action.

Significantly reducing our energy consumption and using low carbon energy wherever possible.

Recognising our work.

Explore awards and accolades that speak to our dedication to providing unforgettable learning.

Press and awards

Join us.

If you’re an ambitious yes-person who loves collaboration and an innovative environment, you’ll find plenty of like-minded people at Sponge. Join our mission to lead the pack in digital learning.

Want to know more?

We’d love to hear about your business challenges and show you what learning science and advanced data can do to help.

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