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Home / Products & Services. / Bespoke Digital Learning / Content Authoring


Organisations today have a vast range of learning aims, platforms and legacy materials, so they need to work with different content creation tools all the time. At Sponge, we understand this need and are able to work with a variety of elearning creation tools – as well as offering our own cutting-edge Ignite application for a more efficient way to produce content. If your organisation has unique needs in this area, please contact us below.

Introduction to the
leading authoring tools

If you’re using Rise 360 to deliver rapid and cost-effective elearning projects, our designers can help create courses and/or support your inhouse team with content development.

Tools we work with:

Find the authoring tool that works for your organisation.

Rise 360 delivers rapid and cost-effective elearning projects.

Ideally suited for elearning courses that need high levels of interactivity.

For large-scale elearning content projects that are multi-format or require system simulations.

Sponge’s own in-house tool for creating content rapidly and at scale.

Want to know more about creating unforgettable elearning?

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