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News Anniversary expansion for Sponge

Anniversary expansion for Sponge Leading elearning company Sponge has continued the great start to its anniversary year, by moving its headquarters into new

Thought Leadership Series Why choose custom elearning?

Elearning is a valid and increasingly utilised practice that can help a business train its staff in a cost effective and engaging manner.

News The story behind our name

The story behind our name People are often intrigued by our name and want to know why we chose it. The reason is quite simple. We believe sponges and elearning…

Thought Leadership Series Why Your Sales Staff Need Elearning

Why your sales staff need elearning It doesn't really matter what your business is or even what it does. When it comes to elearning practices any business will…

Thought Leadership Series How to implement an elearning platform

How to implement an elearning platform Why use elearning? As workforces become increasingly agile there’s a demand for workers that can learn on the job and…

Thought Leadership Series How responsive elearning design emerged

The past few years have seen a huge rise in the use of smartphone and tablet devices and as such, many site owners have found that their site isn’t really suitable for the modern internet.

News Sponge shortlisted for growth award

Sponge shortlisted for growth award Sponge has been shortlisted for a Growth Accelerator award, recognising the company’s successful growth strategy, mission…

Thought Leadership Series Is a picture worth a thousand words?

The last few years have seen infographics become an internet phenomenon. Using images in learning content is nothing new, yet data-centric infographics became the latest must-have graphical tool for every business.

News Looking forward to the CIPD show!

Looking forward to the CIPD show! This week has been a busy one, prepping for the CIPD Show in London next Wednesday and Thursday. Now we can't wait to get up…